Buying Ctents couldn´t be easier

Here you are given all the information you need to purchase our CTENTS in a quick, easy and secure way. We provide information on how to buy, delivery and shipping. Instructions for setup and our CTENTS warranty are explained below. If you require more information please contact our customer support telephone numbers:
+34 918 977 777  –  +34 629 520 205 or send us an e-mail to

We offer various collections and models so we are sure you will find what you are looking for.

In our catalogue you will find 4 different collections with designs featuring different sizes and functionalities. If there is anything extra you can think of that you would like to incorporate into your tents design, do not hesitate to contact our customer service team. We are always happy to assist your needs.

Our website includes a page with specific details for each model.

You will find all the information required for each product. (Composition, materials, available sizes, delivery, shipping time and prices.) For further information please contact us.

Need help deciding which Ctent is the most suitable for you?

We would be very pleased to give you advice over the phone on either of these numbers: +34 918 977 77 – +34 629 520 205 or alternatively you can send us an e-mail to